
Vote up Content Strategy Hacks for Civil Discourse

#WeavingCommunity Conversations

Conversation is critical to relationships and an important way we connect, care, and create.

Introduction to Being an Antiracist

Mike Monteiro: Keynote

Presentation from 5 years ago and still rocks.

13 Ways Designers Screw Up Client Presentations


The Ultimate Guide To Memorable Tech Talks

— Part 4: Tools of the Trade

Designing Intrinsic Layouts by Jen Simmons

Notes by Jeremy Keith to talk by Jen Simmons on Intrinsic Layouts

slow by zeldman

Notes by Jeremy Keith on a talk by Jeffrey Zeldman on the value of going slow to fix things vs going fast and breaking things.

Typography for Presentations, Websites and Research Papers

In this workshop, I introduced some simple typesetting techniques to help improve your presentations, papers and web articles.

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