Creative Coding Fest comes to LA on Sept 8 ⁦at UCLA

CCFestLA is a free one-day festival for high school students and teachers to get their coding groove on. I’m working on a lesson about CSS Grid Layout and Web Design.

CCFestLA is a free one-day festival for high school students and teachers to get their coding groove on. I’m working on a lesson about CSS Grid Layout and Web Design.

Please RSVP and share w/ friends.

Here is a description of my presentation.

CSS and Web Design.

Accessibility, performance and aesthetics inform my design practice and I’d like to share some ideas with you to keep in mind as you build your own sites. We'll check out a few art directed sites and introduce developer tools built into Firefox and Chrome. After a brief presentation, most of the workshop will be hands-on playing with CSS Grid Layout.

I’m using Notist to post my presentation if you are interested in more information.


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