
How would you build a simple website today?

The Widening Responsibility for Front-End Developers | CSS-Tricks

We've come a long way from webmaster. Explainer about how to explain everything that a front-end developer should know.

Upcase by thoughtbot

We're not a bootcamp, we're a finishing school. Become an experienced developer and take "junior" out of your title. Learn Web Development Online.

How healthy is the internet?

— The Internet Health Report 2019 — The Internet Health Report 2019

the new code

A Complete Web Developer Reading List


The Web's Timeline

How a Web Design Goes Straight to Hell

- The Oatmeal

Required Practices for Web Projects

What follows is based on actual W3C standards and industry ‘best practices’.

Beyond The Boring: The Hunt For The Web's Lost Soul

— Smashing Magazine

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