
W3Cx: CSS Basics

Some links and notes from the W3Cx CSS Basics course.

HTML Training

Web Education Community Group


Online training for Web developers

Participate in the W3C

W3C invites the public to participate in W3C

W3C Workshop on Digital Publication Layout

W3C Workshop on Digital Publication Layout and Presentation (from Manga to Magazines)

W3C Community and Business Groups

W3C cheatsheet

The W3C cheatsheet provides quick access to useful information from a variety of specifications published by W3C. It aims at giving in a very compact and mobile-friendly format a compilation of useful knowledge extracted from W3C specifications, completed by summaries of guidelines developed at W3C, in particular Web accessibility guidelines, the Mobile Web Best Practices, and a number of internationalization tips.

The W3C CSS Validation Service

The CSS validator checks Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and (X)HTML documents that use CSS stylesheets.

W3C Link Checker

The W3C Link Checker looks for issues in links, anchors and referenced objects in a Web page, CSS style sheet, or recursively on a whole Web site.


Unicorn is W3C's unified validator, which helps people improve the quality of their Web pages by performing a variety of checks. Unicorn gathers the results of the popular HTML and CSS validators, as well as other useful services, such as RSS/Atom feeds and http headers.

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