
L.A.’s Downtown Arts District

Neighborhood Guides for the Curious Traveler - Atlas Obscura

Exposing the Invisible

Digging into digital images: Extracting batch location data automatically

Build with Mapbox

What is Mapbox Studio?


Adding Basemaps in QGIS 3.0

Instructions how to add basemaps in QGIS from MaptimeLA.

QGIS OpenLayers plugin

QGIS plugin adds live basemaps like OpenStreetMap, Google, Bing, and more by embedding OpenLayers functionality.

On the Grid : Los Angeles

On the Grid is the ultimate guide to the world's creative neighborhoods.

Visualizing Gun Violence in America

The Trace is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit newsroom dedicated to shining a light on America’s gun violence crisis. Last month they published a map of more than 150,000 shootings that have occurred in America over the past five years. The map revealed geographic patterns, and a window into each of these ubiquitous, tragic events which often don’t make the headlines. We spoke with Daniel Nass at the Trace about building the “Atlas of American Gun Violence.”

Download QGIS

MacOS Packages of QGIS

a cli for geojson.io

Mapbox CLI to send files from your shell to geojson.io for lightning-fast visualization and editing.

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