“Los Angeles”

Rain, lightning bolts and thunderclaps

Los Angeles, pollution free

What kind of world do we want when “The Great Pause of 2020” is over.

Los Angeles Street Art and Murals

Life and Art in the City

LA Mural Conservancy

Iconic Murals You Must See in Los Angeles.

pLAn | L.A.'s Green New Deal

Sustainability pLAn 2019

LA River Index

The LA River Index is meant to be a shared resource by which to inspire, enhance and evaluate future work on the LA River.

Layout 24: cicLAvia police

Use of web-kit initial letter. Can’t wait until something like it is more widely supported.

Layout 22: Peace sign at CicLAvia

Photo of a photographer

Layout 21: cicLAvia Families, Heart of LA

I really enjoyed this family with big smiles and a cute dog.

Layout 20: cicLAvia street photography

December 2, 2018 Downtown LA was host to ciclavia

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