Number 1: Notes on Week 19

This is my first week notes post for 2018.

I want to write about my design practice and journey and share some of my own experiences on this blog. I’m going to set a goal to write each week and found a format that might help develop a writing habit. The web design and developer community is really good at sharing and now its my turn. But I need practice.

I found inspiration from Clive Walker who is writing weekly notes to record what is happening in his life. He was inspired by Rachel Andrew who came up with the idea at the beginning of the year. I think she’s one of the great leaders of our web community and I’ve learned so much from her talks, books, online workshops and newsletter. If you are interested at all in CSS Layout subscribe to her newsletter. Its one of the best curated list on the topic available today. I hope to make this a regular blog entry type. I have a poor track record of blogging which I’d like to rectify, but think this format may help.

Travel to New York

I flew out to New York City Friday May 11 to attend a wedding. I’ll be in Manhattan for a few days and then plan to drive to Ithaca to tour the Finger Lakes, then return to NYC for a couple more days and then fly back home to Los Angeles.


For the plane ride I purchased a digital copy of Going Offline by Jeremy Keith and read a couple of chapters. I’m working along with the book to setup a service worker script to get my site working even without a network connection. I hope to get that setup before I swing back to Los Angeles on the flight home.


I finished Advanced SVG Animation by Sarah Drasner last week. It was a terrific class and inspired me to work out some animations with these cute animals. I prepared the SVGs and made a new content type in Perch, but need to do more study of JavaScript animation libraries like GreenSock. I also need to improve my JavaScript skills and plan to keep up work throughZell’s terrific Learn JavaScript Today course. I also took advantage of a sale to register for two mapping classes taught at Udemy: Interactive maps with mapbox and Creating Custom Web Maps.


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