IndieWeb book club

Tapped into the collective sub-conscious and started reading Mike Monteiro’s new book Ruined by Design at the same time an IndieWeb book club formed.

A web-based book club founded by Chris Aldrich started up early May 2019. Ruined by Design is the first book we're reading together.

The book is a a fast paced thriller dedicated to a modern hero Bahtiyar Duysak, who, for eleven glorious minutes in 2017, deactivated Donald Trump's twitter account.

"Freedom is the highest good of mankind but only the brave can seize it." – Baytiyar's twitter profile, 2019

I finished the first two chapters and now am reading How Designers Destroyed the World

I'm looking forward to the next section and get some suggestions from Mike about What We Can Do to Fix It. This story is not over.

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