Ice Breaker—Bruin Toastmasters
I am aware of where I need to improve my communication — listening, thinking, and speaking and leadership skills.
Part 1—Theme
Why did I join Bruin Toastmasters?
A place to listen to people share their stories. And for me to share mine.
Part 2—Listening
- Travel to Europe
- Wanted to speak German, Italian, Spanish and French.
- Study in Beijing and Taiwan.
- Work with developmentally disabled adults
- Meditation retreat in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
- Buddhist study city temple in Taiwan.
- Gave up becoming a buddhist scholar, but still have same haircut.
- Kauai Tahiti Fête
- Danced like a man not a women during luau and earned trust of cultural leader
Part 3—Speaking
My first talk was about design principles
- accessibility—works for everyone
- performance—loads fast
- aesthetics—looks good
Yes, I was scared.
Yes, I was making myself vulnerability.
Yes, the gains outweighed and outlasted the fears.
I gave multiple talks over the course of the year. At a Creative Coding Festival. At a NASA Space hackathon. At Web Design Meetups. At UCLA. To students. To staff. Not only was I sharing my point of view, but I was becoming a leader.
- Depression, Anxiety, Burnout
- Group Therapy. Slowly got better. Share my voice. Come out of my shell. Become a leader.
We are the leaders we’ve been waiting for.
Workshops & Mentorship programs.
- Presenting work with confidence.
- Art direction for the web
- Join Bruin Toastmasters
Part 4—Finish
Don’t move fast and break things. Move slow and fix things.
- Move slow, but not too slow.
- Listen. Sleep on it. Look at it with a fresh perspective in the morning.
- Be deliberate. Be relevant. Share my story.
Why did I join Toastmasters?
A place to listen to you share your story. And for me to share mine.
Outline of my ice breaker talk for Bruin Toastmasters presented June 3, 2020 on Zoom.